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Don't let COVID alienate you from friends and family

Sadly, there is a deep chasm formed now between vaccinated and un-vaccinated. Society is breaking into separate camps with government and business orders and restrictions. I understand and agree that we need protections from this terrible scourge but have some of the restrictions gone too far?

Do we gain anything as a culture by segregation the vaccinated and treating the un-vaccinated like pariahs? I don't think so.

There is a devastating side effect of this segregation. Families are more and more taking sides and shutting each other out. I've witnessed families who just a year ago were interacting while practicing safety precautions but now, when one is not vaccinated, those same precautions no longer seem to apply to the vaccinated. Un-vaccinated are treated as if they were all walking typhoid-Mary's waiting to strike at the vaccinated.

I pray for people to stop this insanity. Love one another does not include making family members, friends and co-workers your enemy. Jesus touched and healed people who had the highly contagious leprosy. He did not shut them out and make them feel unwanted. Don't our relatives deserve that same kind of love from us? In my case I believe without reservation that they do.


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